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Cũ 26-03-2024, 08:49 AM
bignanotech12 bignanotech12 đang online
Junior Member
Tham gia ngày: Mar 2024
Bài gửi: 8
Mặc định Oil Absorbent Cotton With Nano Polypropylene Fiber Technology

Hệ thống quảng cáo


Oil absorbent cotton is a super-absorbent material manufactured from polypropylene, capable of absorbing spilled oil mixtures in any form, whether in liquid, emulsified, or dispersed on the water surface.

This product is specially designed to address oil spills on water surfaces and can absorb impressively up to 50 times its own weight.
1. Properties of polypropylene (PP) material

Chemical properties:
  • Polypropylene is a non-polar polymer, making it difficult to dissolve in water and other solvents at room temperature. However, at higher temperatures, PP can dissolve in some solvents, such as xylene.
  • PP exhibits outstanding chemical inertness, showing resistance to alkalis, detergents, and oils at room temperature. This makes it an ideal material for applications requiring resistance to chemicals.
  • PP is resistant to microorganisms and not degraded by bacteria or fungi. Therefore, it is an ideal material for applications requiring resistance to microorganisms.
Biological properties:
  • PP is a hydrophobic polymer, making it ideal for applications requiring waterproofing.
  • PP is non-flammable, making it suitable for applications requiring fire resistance.
Physical properties:

PP has high hardness, high mechanical strength, high heat resistance, and good impact resistance. These advantages make it an optimal material for applications requiring high durability.

2. Characteristics of oil absorbent cotton
  • Non-water sinking and water impermeability make it suitable for treating oil spills on water surfaces.
  • Quick absorption: The cotton is manufactured using advanced nano technology from Japan on a polypropylene base, providing superior absorption capacity with a large surface area for absorption.
  • Superior absorption ability, fast oil absorption, and environmentally friendly characteristics make it suitable for responding to oil spills in ecologically sensitive areas.
  • The smooth white cotton is easy to identify when absorbing oil, and its high buoyancy after absorption facilitates easy retrieval.
  • Easy to use and store.
3. Practical applications
  • Effective in emergency response to small and medium-scale oil spills on rivers, seas, ponds, lakes, etc.
  • Particularly suitable for use in sensitive areas or inaccessible terrain such as beaches, coral reefs, mangroves, waterways, etc.
  • Treatment of industrial wastewater contaminated with oil.
  • Oil skim filtration in aquaculture water bodies.
  • Oil collection in oil storage tanks and pits.
For inquiries or purchases, please contact:
Hotline: (+84) 879 808 080 – (+84) 868 939 595
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